I never thought I wanted to be a content creator. I loved Biology but one of my tuition sir misguided us and told us not to opt for that field. Later, I entered the fashion design field. Now this was around 2012 something and back then fashion designing was a huge thing so it was difficult for a middle-class conservative person to enter that sector.

My love for clothes and accessories was alive even when I started working for YELP. I loved to read the ingredients list and research about it since the beginning. I’m definitely not a one-man army! As I’ve always said, my passion for labels and ingredient lists is what drew me into the blogging world. The skincare industry is constantly evolving, and I love staying up-to-date. While hard work has undoubtedly played a significant role in my success as a content creator, I believe it was always meant to be. I’ve always loved writing and have been involved in content writing and creation for over 8 years now.

I feel it was destined to happen. One of my senior colleagues purchased and gifted me a domain around 2016. Before that, I did a blog from a free WordPress website. Today, content creation is more than just posting content, it revolves around product photography, taking notes about different changes that occur before and after a product usage. It also means planning in advance right from a video script to props to be used in that reel. The process is lengthy but the results are worth it. Today, every brand hires a content creator to create that buzz/hype on social media. However, some brands don’t treat content creators well and pay less or for instance, don’t pay them. It is vice-versa. Many of the content creators even post fake reviews to get free products. I’ve seen it all and today I feel so proud to stand against such odd practices.

As a content creator, I always believe in being honest in every post. If I don’t like anything, I make sure to inform the brand and post the same on my blog. I strongly feel reviews play an important role in today’s world. Reviews help me gauge a restaurant better and even help me purchase any of the products listed online.

 ‘This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon’. Check out my 8th blog for the challenge.

Content creation is a vast process and is not new anymore. I feel in my case, when I became a content creator it was 50% destiny and 50% hard work. Ultimately, the answer to the question “destiny or hard work?” is likely a combination of both. Everything that started as a hobby is now my everyday job. I have not reached that level where I earn much from this field but it feels great to write things that you love and educate people around you.
