This is a random yet unusual post on the blog. I hope you love reading this just like my product reviews. How often do you feel discouraged or low? Or let’s say how do you react to failures or life’s ups and downs? I’m sure we all have been through the phase that makes us feel super low or depressed. Life is all about learning through such incidents and staying positive throughout the journey.
I go through the above things at times but the intensity is really low. Sharing a few things which work for me and might help you all in some way. Have you ever seen a cute caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly? That is like an approach to a positive life. It is basically a process! Like we all say it “Kuch Paane Ke Liye Kuch Khona Padta Hai”. Life is the same and let’s just adapt things according to every phase. We girls are nostalgic when it comes to the day’s post-marriage or the days at our parent’s place. This is like stages of every living being’s life and they have to go through them every moment.
I learned many things after marriage especially the art of living through every life odd. Special thanks to Nitin, he unknowingly taught me a lot 🙂 When I’m upset or feel like there’s a creative block, I do these things and they help me to an extent. Take a moment to read these things to stay positive.
- Music is the option to overcome every difficulty. It soothes your mind and shifts your current low frequency to a higher positive one
- Admiring nature is a way of indulging in some me-time or open your mind for new creative ideas
- Find peace by gazing at a beautiful waterfall or calmness at a lake
- Animals are the most special beings. I fall in love with a new dog or cat every week 🙂

- Spend some “me” or “we” night time gazing at the beautiful clear sky. Watch the beauty of the universe above. This is my favorite thing and I often do this when we are on the bike. The sky here is crystal clear most of the time and the stars are so magical
- Analyze things! Change your thinking/working pattern. This depends on what you are going through. Re-plan or re-work accordingly
The Don’ts
- Avoid listening to music that will make you sadder or worsen your current mood
- Try to avoid unnecessary fights. This will further make you feel worse
- Make it a point to accept things as they come and do not say Why Only Me? As they say, you cannot judge a person’s first chapter with your 5th!
- Stop thinking everything negative or someone is conspiring about you. It is all about how effectively you live your life with absolute no grudges policy
- Don’t get restless. I’ve learned this technique from Aai (My MIL). She is the calmest MIL I’ve ever come across and handles every situation effortlessly.
Feelings make your life happy. Do things that make you happy! In conclusion, talk to people who connect easily with you. My parents have taught me to do good, stay calm and wait for favorable results. This surely works for every one of us. I believe in KARMA and it is like a boomerang. Do good, get good back!
I’m not sure if these things will work for you but they will add a different perspective to your current lifestyle 🙂 I swear by music and it has helped me throughout every situation. Find your favorite thing and see everything change for good 🙂
If you loved what you read now, please share and pass on to your friends or family! Stay Fit and Keep Smiling guys 🙂
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