Tag Kudal

Hotel Pankaj, Bhavojinchi Khanaval – Kudal, Sindhudurg

We’re always excited to discover new restaurants here, especially those serving authentic Malvani cuisine. It’s like getting a warm hug from a local Konkan family! Big cities often lack that sense of home-cooked goodness. Everything feels commercialized, and there’s hardly… Continue Reading →


Malvani Language – The commonly used language of Sindhudurg & Ratnagiri

If you are a Maharashtrian, you will feel super connected to this post. Even if you are a Non-Maharashtrian this post is a great insight into some amazing thoughts on Malvani Language. I came across this language during my visit… Continue Reading →


Sindhudurg, must-visit destination for every seafood and fish lovers

Coastal Regions and Fresh Catch is made in heaven combination :p My 6th post is a special one and dedicated to all seafood lovers. I will be talking in detail about fresh fish, types of fish, fish auctions and markets… Continue Reading →


The Picturesque Bhogave Beach

This is the second post for #BlogchatterA2Z and #AtoZChallenge. The frequency of Goa passing vehicles is increased as they visit the beaches in Sindhudurg. Goa is flooded with tourists in almost all seasons of the year except for monsoon as… Continue Reading →


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