Writing is like grabbing those worries and putting them on paper. It might seem weird to use my brain to calm it down, but writing makes the worries seem not-so-scary. Writing doesn’t make the worries disappear, but it helps me deal with them instead of letting them deal with me.

My blogging journey initially started with the love of labels and ingredients. My niche was skincare, body care, hair care, lip care, and everything related to grooming or beauty. Today after almost 7 years of blogging I still feel the same and hence this time I wanted to write and introduce my favorite brands to my Blogchatter community. I feel privileged to be a part of the skincare community, it has given me the best opportunity to try several brands. Don’t worry I have not tried them all but have done thorough research to get the list compiled for you. The best part of skincare is, that it is not related to women and anyone can try it. Also, one big thing that people tend to forget and misinterpret is MAKEUP IS NOT SKINCARE! This is quite common but I see so many people linking skincare directly with makeup.

#BlogchatterA2Z challenge is quite simple. This year, I’ve decided to compile different brands and some great recommendations to help cater to your skin/hair/body care needs. Some of these are my holy grails and some are on my wishlist. The list is interesting so don’t miss any letters 🙂

Lastly, It feels great to come back and write blogs and be a part of the huge Blogchatter community. I missed them all and looking forward to reading some amazing blogs this year.

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z. Are you participating this year? Do let me know in the comments. All the best to all the participants.
