We’re always excited to discover new restaurants here, especially those serving authentic Malvani cuisine. It’s like getting a warm hug from a local Konkan family! Big cities often lack that sense of home-cooked goodness. Everything feels commercialized, and there’s hardly a trace of that friendly and welcoming atmosphere. That’s why, in this charmingly expanding area, the chance to savor authentic, home-style Malvani food is truly special. I’ve heard so many good reviews about many places here, and I feel fortunate to be able to visit and explore them firsthand. One such gem in Kudal is Hotel Pankaj, Bhavojinchi Khanaval.

The reason this place has been on my wishlist is because it’s incredibly popular with tourists. I’ve heard that people travel all the way from Goa, Kolhapur, and Pune just for food. While the exterior of this place might seem humble, don’t be fooled by appearances! They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and that’s certainly true here. This restaurant serves delicious thali.

This place is a true gem with lip-smacking home-cooked meals. I have had my share of Malvani chicken sukka here and trust me it is worth every penny. The chicken coated in thick fine coconut gravy tastes great with rice bhakri and chapati. There are days when we skip rice and have chicken or mutton (I don’t have it but I’ve been told it is really good) with chapati and rice/ragi bhakri. I will revisit this place for seafood thali – surmai or pomfret thali. They do serve traditional thick gravy coconut fish curries with solkadi, fried fish, and some dried prawns.

If you love seafood or non-veg don’t miss this place. Do add Hotel Pankaj, Bhavojinchi Khanaval to your Goa or Konkan Itinerary. Check the exact location here.

This blog is a part of #BlogchatterFoodFest where I will write on 5 interesting food topics between 10th June 2024 to 20th June 2024. Stay tuned to read my other articles about food.

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