Category #AtoZ

Emotional Phases of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a challenging time for any expecting father or mother-to-be. Listening to a baby growing healthily inside of you is truly an unforgettable experience! Pregnancy is hard. It requires a lot of sacrifices (to say the least), but those… Continue Reading →


Daily Affirmations

Being pregnant is a magical experience. It’s still important to find a way to deal with the stress and stay positive. When you are pregnant there are so many things to worry about. Daily affirmation was a part of my… Continue Reading →


Crystals – My Guiding Angels

There is a right time for everything. I discovered some great crystal sellers on Instagram at the beginning of 2019. It’s often said that there is a calling from crystals. There are several ways to purchase a certain crystal and… Continue Reading →


Bharadi Devi, Anganewadi

Connecting with divine power helps me calm myself and prepare for all the life challenges and surprises. I have an inclination to Lord Shiva. The same goes for Shri Sai Baba. Nitin is a true devotee and my trust in… Continue Reading →


Abundance is Magic – #BlogchatterA2Z

My first post for #BlogchatterA2Z is the arrival of abundance in our lives. In real life, I’m very straightforward and content in real life. My happiness lies in small things. To be frank it can be anything right from a… Continue Reading →


Ultimate Blogging Challenge #BlogchatterA2Z Theme Reveal

Wohoo… I’m finally doing it again! Missed doing this for the last 2 years. The start of the pandemic came with good news for us. I was pregnant in February and in March the outbreak started in India. It was… Continue Reading →


Reflections 2019 for #AtoZChallenge #BlogchatterAtoZ

The #AtoZ Challenge and #BlogchatterAtoZ was super hit challenge for me 🙂 Frankly speaking the new domain authority and the sudden drop made me re-think about the existence of my blog. You guys won’t believe, I literally kept weeping for… Continue Reading →


We don’t have zebras in Sindhudurg but we do have beautiful villages

Beautiful views, clean villages, and serene beaches! Isn’t that a perfect combination? I will list a few unknown yet amazing villages of Sindhudurg. Make sure to stay or visit these during your next Konkan visit. Walawal:- This is a village… Continue Reading →


Yummy Neer Fanas- Two ways recipes #AtoZChallenge #BlogchatterAtoZ

Neer Fanas is from the Jackfruit family. It is the most yummy variant I’ve ever eaten in Sindhudurg. I have said this previously and will repeat it once again here 😊 I’m mostly inclined towards vegetables more than seafood and… Continue Reading →


X-tremely Delicious Dishes from Sindhudurg

Every corner of the world is famous for specific food delicacies to be tried and tasted. Everywhere one cannot find Pizza and Burgers but they can surely explore the local cuisine of that particular city/state/country. Sindhudurg is famous for Vegetarian,… Continue Reading →


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